Christmas Tournament 2022 at the Palace

| Spiele Palast 3
Christmas Tournament 2022 at the Palace

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Dear friends of the Palace,

This year’s final tournament is imminent: On Saturday, December 17, 2022, the Christmas Tournament is on at 8:30 pm CET. Get cozy, and then enter the festive fray.

Participating Games

The Christmas Tournament will take place in most games of the Palace with the following configurations:

Skat3 players per table
Rummy4 players per table
Doppelkopf4 players per table
Sheepshead4 players per table
Canasta4 players per table
Mau-Mau4 players per table
Solitaire4 players per table
Pinochle4 players per table
Spider4 players per table

Depending on the game, 200 to 450 players can play per group in every game. When the maximum of players is exceeded, the next group will open automatically. This way, everyone can partake for a bet of merely one Chip! Of course, you will face tenacious opponents. But if you come out on top, appreciation and exclusive prizes await you.

You can find more information on the tournaments at the Palace here.

How to Enroll

Sign up for the tournament via the game you want to compete in as of now. To do so, enter your desired game, and continue taking the following steps:

On a tablet or smartphone

(except Pinochle)

1. Click Options.

2. Click Competition.

3. Click Tournaments.

4. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Christmas Tournament and click Enroll.

On a desktop PC or laptop

(any device for Pinochle)

1. Click Competition or the trophy symbol at the bottom of the lobby.

2. Click Tournaments.

3. Scroll until you see the tournament titled Christmas Tournament and click Enroll.

To participate in the tournament, you just need to be online in your game on December 17, 2022, shortly before 8:30 pm CET and enter the tournament in the competition area.

Great Prizes

There will be exclusive Palace of Cards certificates, numerous Premium days, and a jackpot with up to 10,000 Chips. We lovingly design the certificates exclusively for this occasion! All winners of the places one to three receive one as a PDF:

There is the possibility of several players coming in at the same place per game. This can come up due to several play groups per tournament on the one hand and due to double placements based on players reaching a draw in the same group on the other.

Here is an example: If 540 players registered for Sheepshead, we would split the tournament into three groups with a maximum of 200 players each. As a result, there would be three first places, three second places, and three third places.

Each play group has its separate jackpot. We will note in your certificate in which play group you were successful. The jackpot and the Premium days will be split among the winners per group. Usually, the first place receives 70% of the Chips in the pot and 90 Premium days, the second place 20% and 60 Premium days, and the third place 10% and 30 Premium days.

If double placements occur, the distribution of prizes can change slightly. This is always clearly communicated in our update post on the winners.

We’ll See You!

Best sign up right away, so you cannot forget it. Once that is done, you can happily anticipate the tournament with us. Get ready for the clash of the best and show your skills!

Greetings, and already wishing you a good hand,

Your Palace Team

PS: If you can’t make it this time, we will see you on the other side, that is in 2023 at the New Year’s Tournament.

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  1. Avatar for Spiele Palast Melissa | 15. December 2022

    I’m not a premium player the website for Cansasta.  I play only for fun and relaxation.

    This evening, while I was in the middle of a canasta game with a different player, a message popped up from Rose_69 accusing me of cheating by using an app.
    I thought it was a mistake or a joke but evidently Rose_69 reported me to the admis for alleged cheating?  

    Rose_69 accusation of my cheating by using an app is 100% false.  Since I only play for fun and relaxation I did not even know apps available for people who want to cheat?  

    All I can think is that when I played Rose_69 I either won a hand or won the overall game.  Maybe Rose_69  assumes someone is cheating if they lose to another player?  I don’t know and I don’t remember any details of playing Rose_69 because again, I only play for fun and relaxation.

    I don’t know who the “admins” are for the Canasta game or who / what entity Rose_69 would have reported me as I would like to refuse this 100% false accusation.  If this is not the correct email or contact to contact, please let me know who to contact.
    What a disappointment for someone to accuse me of cheating and if Rose_69 is wrongly accusing me (am guessing because Rose_69 lost to me?) then Rose_69 is likely also wrongly accusing other players.  Rose_69 sounds like a poor loser.  

    I did take pictures of Rose_69 false accusation when it popped up on my screen and can submit those two screen shots if requested.

    Thanks for your assistance.  My player name is: marie_3.

    • Avatar for Spiele Palast Spiele Palast | 15. December 2022

      Hello Melissa,

      you can write us in the matter always under the following email. 😉

      Best wishes