Issues with Facebook – What’s next?

| Spiele Palast 1
Issues with Facebook – What’s next?

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Dear Palace Community,

We haven’t been able to present you our games Canasta Palace, Mau Mau Palace, and Skat Palace as usual over the past few days on Facebook. We are most disappointed about this ourselves, and we understand your frustration. Behind the scenes, we have been working at full steam over the past few days to find a solution. At the moment, we can only ask that you understand our situation.

As it is currently unforeseeable how long these three games won’t be available, we will stop any subscriptions running via Facebook in these games today as a first step. This way, no more payments will come up for you.

Over the next few days, we will publish information on how you can continue to use your game account on other platforms (e.g., in the browser without Facebook, on Android, iOS, Windows). We need to prepare this step thoroughly and will reach out to you about the topic here.

Our goal is that all players that wish to do so can continue playing in the usual and uninterrupted fashion via one of our other platforms. After switching the game account, we will offer individual compensation to any current subscribers.

Though Facebook was a great platform for our games for many years, we will not publish any new games on Facebook in the future. We are currently also checking how long we want to continue running our existing games on Facebook.

That’s why we explicitly recommend you switch your game account. We will support you in the process and would be happy for you to choose to stay with us.

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